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Best Ways To Get Gold in Lost Ark

Best Ways To Get Gold in Lost Ark

Gold is a crucial currency in Lost Ark. It can be difficult to acquire. But we will tell you ways to get it.

Daily Quests

Daily quests offer a steady Lost Ark Gold income. These quests refresh every day. They are usually quick and straightforward.

Completing them provides Gold rewards. The more daily quests you do, the more Lost Ark Gold you earn. Check your quest log every day for new opportunities.

Dungeon Runs

Running dungeons is a reliable way for Lost Ark Gold. Dungeons often drop valuable items. These items can be sold for Gold. Higher-level dungeons offer better rewards.

Team up with others to clear dungeons efficiently. Focus on dungeons that match your level and gear for maximum efficiency.

You also need to pick the right characters for Dungeons, which are part of the Lost Ark tier list.

Treasure Maps

Treasure maps lead to hidden Lost Ark Gold caches. You can find these maps in various ways. Use them to locate hidden treasures.

Completing treasure map quests rewards you with Lost Ark Gold and valuable items. Keep an eye out for rare maps with higher rewards.

Crafting and Selling Gear

Crafting gear can be profitable. Create high-quality gear and sell it on the market. Players often seek well-crafted items.

High-tier gear can fetch a good price. Focus on crafting items that are in demand for better sales.

Gathering and Mining

Gathering resources and mining materials can be profitable. Collect materials while exploring. Sell these resources at the market.

High-demand materials can fetch a good price. Gather resources during downtime or while traveling to maximize your time.

World Bosses

Defeating world bosses can yield significant rewards. World bosses drop valuable items and Gold. Join groups to take down these bosses efficiently.

Participate in world boss events to earn gold and rare loot. Be prepared for tough fights and coordinate with your team.

Participating in Events

Events offer special rewards, including Lost Ark Gold. Participate in limited-time events for Lost Ark Gold.

These events often have unique tasks and challenges. Completing event objectives can provide Gold and other valuable rewards.

Auction House

List valuable items for sale to earn Lost Ark Gold in this house. Check the auction house regularly for price trends.

Adjust your listings to match market demand. The Lost Ark auction house can be lucrative for Lost Ark Gold if used wisely.

Completing Achievements

Achievements can offer Gold rewards. Some achievements provide Lost Ark Gold directly, while others offer items that can be sold.

Focus on completing achievements that reward Gold.


Lost Ark Gold requires a combination of strategies. Daily quests, dungeon runs, and selling items are reliable methods.

Exploring new areas, participating in events, and trading can also provide additional Gold. Crafting, fishing, and gathering are profitable activities.

Managing your Lost Ark Gold efficiently and staying updated with game changes are key. Use these methods to maximize your Lost Ark Gold earnings and enhance your gameplay experience.

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